Си диез / Говнокод #28877 Ссылка на оригинал


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string[] words = line.Split(' ');
foreach (var word in words)
    switch (word)
        case "11":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[0, 0]}");
        case "12":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[0, 1]}");
        case "13":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[0, 2]}");
        case "14":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[0, 3]}");
        case "15":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[0, 4]}");
        case "21":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[1, 0]}");//
        case "22":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[1, 1]}");
        case "23":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[1, 2]}");
        case "24":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[1, 3]}");
        case "25":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[1, 4]}");
        case "31":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[2, 0]}");
        case "32":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[2, 1]}");
        case "33":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[2, 2]}");
        case "34":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[2, 3]}");
        case "35":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[2, 4]}");
        case "41":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[3, 0]}");
        case "42":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[3, 1]}");
        case "43":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[3, 2]}");
        case "44":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[3, 3]}");
        case "45":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[3, 4]}");
        case "51":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[4, 0]}");
        case "52":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[4, 1]}");
        case "53":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[4, 2]}");
        case "54":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[4, 3]}");
        case "55":
            Console.WriteLine($"{tableEng[4, 4]}");

Дело IsBukva живёт.


ISO ISO, (Updated )

Комментарии (34, +34)

Си диез / Говнокод #28850 Ссылка на оригинал


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public readonly struct Int64 : IComparable<long>, IConvertible, 
IEquatable<long>, IParsable<long>, ISpanParsable<long>, 
System.Numerics.IBinaryInteger<long>, System.Numerics.IBinaryNumber<long>, 
System.Numerics.INumber<long>, System.Numerics.INumberBase<long>, 


ISO ISO, (Updated )

Комментарии (43, +43)

Си диез / Говнокод #28847 Ссылка на оригинал


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public ArgumentException (string? message, string? paramName);
public ArgumentNullException (string? paramName, string? message);


ISO ISO, (Updated )

Комментарии (17, +17)

Си диез / Говнокод #28825 Ссылка на оригинал


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using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace TheBestGenerator
    class Symbols
        protected const string Letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
        protected const string Numbers = "0123456789";
        protected const string DefaultSpecialSymbols = @"!#$%&*@\";
        protected static Random rand = new Random();     
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("Введите длину пароля:");
                int Len = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
    class Generator: Symbols
        static char[] Array_()
            return (Numbers+Letters+Letters.ToUpper()+DefaultSpecialSymbols).ToCharArray();

         static char[] Password_Symbols()
            return Array_().OrderBy(Symbol => rand.Next()).ToArray();

        public static string Password(int Len )
            char[] password = Password_Symbols();
            Array.Resize(ref password, Len);
            return (string.Join("", password));

Генератор паролей. Говнокод с наследованием. Почти ничего не понимаю в нем, но "прогу" с ним написал.

utsutsbabyj utsutsbabyj, (Updated )

Комментарии (1, +1)

Си диез / Говнокод #28793 Ссылка на оригинал


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public class Archvile:Actor{public Archvile(){Health=700;Radius=20;Height=56;Mass=500;Speed=15;PainChance=10;Monster=true;MaxTargetRange=896;SetFlag(Flags.QUICKTORETALIATE,true);SetFlag(Flags.FLOORCLIP,true);SetFlag(Flags.NOTARGET,true);SeeSound="vile/sight";PainSound="vile/pain";DeathSound="vile/death";ActiveSound="vile/active";MeleeSound="vile/stop";Obituary="$OB_VILE";Tag="$FN_ARCH";}
public override void BeginPlay(){base.BeginPlay();SetState("Spawn");}
void Spawn(){SetState("See");}
void See(){A_Chase();}
void Missile(){A_VileStart();A_FaceTarget();A_VileTarget();A_FaceTarget();A_VileAttack();Delay(20);SetState("See");}
void Heal(){Delay(10);SetState("See");}
void Pain(){A_Pain();SetState("See");}
void Death(){A_Scream();A_NoBlocking();Delay(7);SetState("Death   1");}
void Death1(){Delay(7);SetState("Death   2");}
void Death2(){Delay(7);SetState("Death   3");}
void Death3(){Delay(7);SetState("Death   4");}
void Death4(){Delay(7);SetState("Death   5");}
void Death5(){Delay(7);SetState("Death   6");}
void Death6(){Delay(7);SetState("Death   7");}
void Death7(){Delay(1);Destroy();}
void A_VileStart(){StartSound("vile/start",CHAN_VOICE);}
void A_VileTarget(){if(target!=null){A_FaceTarget();Actor fog=Spawn<Actor>("ArchvileFire",target.Pos,SpawnFlags.ALLOW_REPLACE);if(fog!=null){tracer=fog;fog.target=self;fog.tracer=self.target;fog.A_Fire(0);}}}
void A_VileAttack(){Actor targ=target;if(targ!=null){A_FaceTarget();if(!CheckSight(targ,0))return;StartSound("vile/stop",CHAN_WEAPON);int newdam=targ.DamageMobj(self,self,20,DamageType.none);if(newdam>0)targ.TraceBleed(newdam,self);Actor fire=tracer;if(fire!=null){fire.SetOrigin(targ.Vec3Angle(-24.0,angle,0),true);fire.A_Explode(70,70,ExplosionFlags.XF_NOSPLASH,false,0,0,0,"BulletPuff",DamageType.Fire);}
void A_StartFire(){StartSound("vile/firestrt",CHAN_BODY);A_Fire();}
void A_Fire(){Actor dest=tracer;if(dest==null||target==null)return;if(!target.CheckSight(dest,0))return;SetOrigin(dest.Vec3Angle(24,dest.angle,0),true);}
void A_FireCrackle(){StartSound("vile/firecrkl",CHAN_BODY);A_Fire();}}
public static class ActorExtensions{public static void A_VileStart(this Actor self){self.StartSound("vile/start",CHAN_VOICE);}
public static void A_VileTarget(this Actor self,string fire="ArchvileFire"){if(self.target!=null){self.A_FaceTarget();Actor fog=self.Spawn<Actor>(fire,self.target.Pos,SpawnFlags.ALLOW_REPLACE);if(fog!=null){self.tracer=fog;fog.target=self;fog.tracer=self.target;fog.A_Fire(0);}}}
public static void A_VileAttack(this Actor self,string snd="vile/stop",int initialdmg=20,int blastdmg=70,int blastradius=70,double thrust=1.0,string damagetype="Fire",int flags=0){Actor targ=self.target;if(targ!=null){self.A_FaceTarget();if(!self.CheckSight(targ,0))return;self.StartSound(snd,CHAN_WEAPON);int newdam=targ.DamageMobj(self,self,initialdmg,(flags

Арчвайл из ZDooM на C#

DartPower DartPower, (Updated )

Комментарии (0)

Си диез / Говнокод #28648 Ссылка на оригинал


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protected override Detail GetDetailPage(
            aggregate aggregate, 
            int cashbackRate,
            BannerResponse bannerInfo,
            List<MediaShortResponse> mediaInfo,
            EntityFavourites likeCountInfo, 
            List<FavouriteEntity> likeInfo)
            var announcementDetail = new Detail
                aggregate.ExtendedDetails.Category != null
                    ? new AnnouncementCategory(aggregate.ExtendedDetails.Category.Id, 
                    : null,
                aggregate.ExtendedDetails.Tags?.Select(ss =>
                    new Tag(ss.Title, HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(ss.Url))
                aggregate.Details.Privileges?.Select(ss => new Privilege()
                    Description = ss.Description,
                    Id = ss.Id,
                    ImageUrl = ss.ImageUrl.ToString(),
                    Title = ss.Title
                mediaInfo.Select(m => new Media
                    Type = m.Type,
                    Url = m.Url
                likeInfo.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EntityId == aggregate.Details.Id)?.IsSet ?? false,
                bannerInfo != null ? new Banner { Url = bannerInfo.Url, ImageUrl = bannerInfo.ImageUrl } : null,
                aggregate.Details.Venue != null
                    ? new ShortVenue(aggregate.Details.Venue.Id,
                        aggregate.Details.Venue.Url.Replace(_liveBaseAddress, ""),
                    : null,

            return announcementDetail;

tfnbupsc tfnbupsc, (Updated )

Комментарии (2, +2)

Си диез / Говнокод #28642 Ссылка на оригинал


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class StargateSimulator
    static bool shieldEnabled = false;

    static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Stargate Simulator");

        // Check for zero point module
        Console.Write("Zero Point Module detected. Proceed with simulation? (y/n) ");
        string response = Console.ReadLine();
        if (response.ToLower() != "y")
            Console.WriteLine("Simulation cancelled.");

        // Enable shield
        Console.Write("Enable gate shield? (y/n) ");
        response = Console.ReadLine();
        if (response.ToLower() == "y")

        // Enter gate address
        Console.Write("Enter gate address: ");
        string address = Console.ReadLine();
        if (address.Length != 6 && address.Length != 8)
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid address length.");

        // Dial gate

        Console.WriteLine("Simulation complete.");

    static void Dial(string address)
        // Check for valid address
        if (address.Length != 6 && address.Length != 8)
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid address length.");

        // Check for energy source
        Console.Write("Energy source detected. Proceed with dialing? (y/n) ");
        string response = Console.ReadLine();
        if (response.ToLower() != "y")
            Console.WriteLine("Dialing cancelled.");

        // Dial gate
        Console.WriteLine("Dialing gate...");
        if (shieldEnabled)
            Console.WriteLine("Gate shield is active.");
        Console.WriteLine("Chevron 1 encoded.");
        Console.WriteLine("Chevron 2 encoded.");
        Console.WriteLine("Chevron 3 encoded.");
        Console.WriteLine("Chevron 4 encoded.");
        Console.WriteLine("Chevron 5 encoded.");
        Console.WriteLine("Chevron 6 encoded.");
        if (address.Length == 8)
            Console.WriteLine("Chevron 7 encoded.");
            Console.WriteLine("Gate engaged.");
            Console.WriteLine("Gate engaged.");

    static void EnableShield()
        // Check for available power
        Console.Write("Power levels stable. Activate gate shield? (y/n) ");
        string response = Console.ReadLine();
        if (response.ToLower() != "y")
            Console.WriteLine("Shield activation cancelled.");

        // Activate shield
        Console.WriteLine("Shield activated.");
        shieldEnabled = true;

Симулятор наборного устройства звездных врат.

P.S. За Канон-френдли не отвечаю, т.к. фанат серии но любитель немножко поизвращаться над ЛОРом...

DartPower DartPower, (Updated )

Комментарии (4, +4)

Си диез / Говнокод #28641 Ссылка на оригинал


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namespace TimeMachineSimulator
    class Program
        static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Time Machine Simulator!");
            TimeMachine machine = new();
            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?");
                Console.WriteLine("1. Travel in time");
                Console.WriteLine("2. Show current time");
                Console.WriteLine("3. Show travel history");
                Console.WriteLine("4. Exit");
                string input = Console.ReadLine();
                switch (input)
                    case "1":
                        Console.Write("Enter the number of years to travel: ");
                        int years = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                            Console.WriteLine("Travel successful.");
                        catch (TimeMachineException e)
                    case "2":
                        Console.WriteLine("Current time: " + machine.GetCurrentTime());
                    case "3":
                        List<DateTime> history = machine.GetTravelHistory();
                        Console.WriteLine("Travel history:");
                        foreach (DateTime time in history)
                    case "4":
                        Console.WriteLine("Thank you for using the Time Machine Simulator! Press any key to exit...");
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please try again.");

    public class TimeMachineException : Exception { public TimeMachineException(string message) : base(message){}}

    public class TimeMachine
        private DateTime currentTime;
        private readonly List<DateTime> travelHistory;
        public TimeMachine()
            this.currentTime = DateTime.Now;
            this.travelHistory = new List<DateTime>();
        public void Travel(int years)
            DateTime futureTime = this.currentTime.AddYears(years);
            if (futureTime > DateTime.Now)
                throw new TimeMachineException("Cannot travel to the future!");
            this.currentTime = futureTime;
        public DateTime GetCurrentTime()
            return this.currentTime;
        public List<DateTime> GetTravelHistory()
            return this.travelHistory;

Пространственно-временной квантовый реинтегратор. Правда в будущее не умеет отправлять, но используя свойства реверсивной энтропии может отправить куда угодно только в прошлое!

DartPower DartPower, (Updated )

Комментарии (0)

Си диез / Говнокод #28640 Ссылка на оригинал


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namespace NardeGame { public class NardeGame { static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Narde Game!"); NardeGame game = new(); game.Play(); Console.WriteLine("Thank you for playing Narde Game! Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); } private readonly Player player1; private readonly Player player2; private readonly Board board; public NardeGame() { player1 = new Player("Armen"); player2 = new Player("Suren"); board = new Board(); } public void Play() { while (!board.IsGameOver()) { Player currentPlayer = board.GetTurn() == Turn.WHITE ? player1 : player2; Console.WriteLine("It's " + currentPlayer.GetName() + "'s turn."); Console.WriteLine(board); int from, to; do { Console.Write("Enter the starting point of your move: "); from = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Enter the ending point of your move: "); to = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } while (!Board.IsValidMove(from, to, currentPlayer.GetColor())); Board.MakeMove(from, to); board.NextTurn(); } Console.WriteLine("Game over."); Console.WriteLine(board); Console.WriteLine(board.GetWinner().GetName() + " won!"); } } public enum Color { WHITE, BLACK } public enum Turn { WHITE, BLACK } public class Player { private readonly string name; private readonly Color color; public Player(string name) { this.name = name; color = name == "Armen" ? Color.WHITE : Color.BLACK; } public string GetName() { return name; } public Color GetColor() { return color; } } public class Board { private readonly int[] points; private Turn turn; public Board() { points = new int[24] { 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, -5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2 }; turn = Turn.WHITE; } public bool IsGameOver() { int whiteCount = 0; int blackCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { if (points[i] > 0) { whiteCount += points[i]; } else if (points[i] < 0) { blackCount -= points[i]; } } return whiteCount == 0 || blackCount == 0; } public Player? GetWinner() { int whiteCount = 0; int blackCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { if (points[i] > 0) { whiteCount += points[i]; } else if (points[i] < 0) { blackCount -= points[i]; } } if (whiteCount > blackCount) { return new Player("Armen"); } else if (blackCount > whiteCount) { return new Player("Suren"); } else { return null; } } public Turn GetTurn() { return turn; } public void NextTurn() { turn = turn == Turn.WHITE ? Turn.BLACK : Turn.WHITE; } public static bool IsValidMove(int from, int to, Color color) { return true; } public static void MakeMove(int from, int to) { } public override string ToString() { string output = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { output += points[i] + " "; } return output.TrimEnd(); } } }

Армяне играют в однострочные нарды... :)

DartPower DartPower, (Updated )

Комментарии (0)

Си диез / Говнокод #28639 Ссылка на оригинал


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namespace ParticleAccelSim
    public class Particle
        public double X { get; set; } // координата частицы по оси x
        public double Y { get; set; } // координата частицы по оси y
        public double VX { get; set; } // скорость частицы по оси x
        public double VY { get; set; } // скорость частицы по оси y
        public double Mass { get; set; } // масса частицы
        public double Charge { get; set; } // заряд частицы

        public Particle(double x, double y, double vx, double vy, double mass, double charge)
            X = x;
            Y = y;
            VX = vx;
            VY = vy;
            Mass = mass;
            Charge = charge;
    public class ParticleAccelerator
        private List<Particle> particles = new List<Particle>(); // список всех частиц
        private double timeStep = 0.01; // размер шага при моделировании

        public void AddParticle(Particle p)

        public void RunSimulation(int numSteps)
            for (int i = 0; i < numSteps; i++)
                foreach (Particle p in particles)
                    // вычисляем силы, действующие на частицу
                    double ax = 0;
                    double ay = 0;

                    foreach (Particle other in particles)
                        if (other != p)
                            double dx = other.X - p.X;
                            double dy = other.Y - p.Y;
                            double r = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                            double f = (p.Charge * other.Charge) / (r * r); // закон Кулона

                            ax += f * dx / r;
                            ay += f * dy / r;

                    // вычисляем новое положение и скорость частицы
                    p.VX += ax * timeStep / p.Mass;
                    p.VY += ay * timeStep / p.Mass;
                    p.X += p.VX * timeStep;
                    p.Y += p.VY * timeStep;

Исходный код симулятора ускорителя частиц, например "Большой адронный коллайдер". Просьба не запускать этот код, т.к. я уже пару дней назад запустил, а сегодня уже не могу понять правильно говорить "Возможность этого резиста крайне мала" или "Вероятность этого резиста крайне мала"... ТАК ЧТО БУДЬТЕ ОСТОРОЖНЫ! Можно сломать нашу реальность!

DartPower DartPower, (Updated )

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