Кресты / Говнокод #25438 Ссылка на оригинал


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// Microsoft открыла код Калькулятора Windows

// https://github.com/Microsoft/calculator/blob/057401f5f2b4bb1ea143da02c773ac18d1bb9a2e/src/CalcViewModel/Common/CalculatorButtonUser.h#L8

namespace CalculatorApp
    namespace CM = CalculationManager;

    public enum class NumbersAndOperatorsEnum
        Zero = (int) CM::Command::Command0,
        One = (int) CM::Command::Command1,
        Two = (int) CM::Command::Command2,
        Three = (int) CM::Command::Command3,
        Four = (int) CM::Command::Command4,
        Five = (int) CM::Command::Command5,
        Six = (int) CM::Command::Command6,
        Seven = (int) CM::Command::Command7,
        Eight = (int) CM::Command::Command8,
        Nine = (int) CM::Command::Command9,
        Add = (int) CM::Command::CommandADD,
        Subtract = (int) CM::Command::CommandSUB,
        Multiply = (int) CM::Command::CommandMUL,
        Divide = (int) CM::Command::CommandDIV,
        Invert = (int) CM::Command::CommandREC,
        Equals = (int) CM::Command::CommandEQU,
        Decimal = (int) CM::Command::CommandPNT,
        Sqrt = (int) CM::Command::CommandSQRT,
        Percent = (int) CM::Command::CommandPERCENT,
        Negate = (int) CM::Command::CommandSIGN,
        Backspace = (int) CM::Command::CommandBACK,
        ClearEntry = (int) CM::Command::CommandCENTR,
        Clear = (int) CM::Command::CommandCLEAR,
        Degree = (int) CM::Command::CommandDEG,
        Radians = (int) CM::Command::CommandRAD,
        Grads = (int) CM::Command::CommandGRAD,
        Degrees = (int) CM::Command::CommandDegrees,
        OpenParenthesis = (int) CM::Command::CommandOPENP,
        CloseParenthesis = (int) CM::Command::CommandCLOSEP,
        Pi = (int) CM::Command::CommandPI,
        Sin = (int) CM::Command::CommandSIN,
        Cos = (int) CM::Command::CommandCOS,
        Tan = (int) CM::Command::CommandTAN,
        Factorial = (int) CM::Command::CommandFAC,
        XPower2 = (int) CM::Command::CommandSQR,
        Mod = (int) CM::Command::CommandMOD,
        FToE = (int) CM::Command::CommandFE,
        LogBaseE = (int) CM::Command::CommandLN,
        InvSin = (int) CM::Command::CommandASIN,
        InvCos = (int) CM::Command::CommandACOS,
        InvTan = (int) CM::Command::CommandATAN,
        LogBase10 = (int) CM::Command::CommandLOG,
        XPowerY = (int) CM::Command::CommandPWR,
        YRootX = (int) CM::Command::CommandROOT,
        TenPowerX = (int) CM::Command::CommandPOW10,
        EPowerX = (int) CM::Command::CommandPOWE,
        Exp = (int) CM::Command::CommandEXP,
        IsScientificMode = (int) CM::Command::ModeScientific,
        IsStandardMode = (int) CM::Command::ModeBasic,
        None = (int) CM::Command::CommandNULL,
        IsProgrammerMode = (int) CM::Command::ModeProgrammer,
        DecButton = (int) CM::Command::CommandDec,
        OctButton = (int) CM::Command::CommandOct,
        HexButton = (int) CM::Command::CommandHex,
        BinButton = (int) CM::Command::CommandBin,
        And = (int) CM::Command::CommandAnd,
        Ror = (int) CM::Command::CommandROR,
        Rol = (int) CM::Command::CommandROL,
        Or = (int) CM::Command::CommandOR,
        Lsh = (int) CM::Command::CommandLSHF,
        Rsh = (int) CM::Command::CommandRSHF,
        Xor = (int) CM::Command::CommandXor,
        Not = (int) CM::Command::CommandNot,
        A = (int) CM::Command::CommandA,
        B = (int) CM::Command::CommandB,
        C = (int) CM::Command::CommandC,
        D = (int) CM::Command::CommandD,
        E = (int) CM::Command::CommandE,
        F = (int) CM::Command::CommandF,
        Memory, // This is the memory button. Doesn't have a direct mapping to the CalcEngine.        
        Sinh = (int) CM::Command::CommandSINH,
        Cosh = (int) CM::Command::CommandCOSH,
        Tanh = (int) CM::Command::CommandTANH,
        InvSinh = (int) CM::Command::CommandASINH,
        InvCosh = (int) CM::Command::CommandACOSH,
        InvTanh = (int) CM::Command::CommandATANH,
        Qword = (int) CM::Command::CommandQword,
        Dword = (int) CM::Command::CommandDword,
        Word = (int) CM::Command::CommandWord,
        Byte = (int) CM::Command::CommandByte,
        Cube = (int) CM::Command::CommandCUB,
        DMS = (int) CM::Command::CommandDMS,

        BINSTART = (int) CM::Command::CommandBINEDITSTART,
        BINPOS0 = (int) CM::Command::CommandBINPOS0,
        BINPOS1 = (int) CM::Command::CommandBINPOS1,
        BINPOS2 = (int) CM::Command::CommandBINPOS2,
        BINPOS3 = (int) CM::Command::CommandBINPOS3,
        BINPOS4 = (int) CM::Command::CommandBINPOS4,
        BINPOS5 = (int) CM::Command::CommandBINPOS5,

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